Hello Hill Community,
This Wednesday, February 26th is Pink Shirt Day. As with every year at The Hill, we encourage everyone to wear pink in order to demonstrate a whole community of kindness. When I first began the tradition of having students design their own Pink Shirt Day ideas, I was impressed by the number of submissions – students were really interested in seeing their designs featured on Hill Academy apparel! It was when I started really going through each design that it really struck me what students were sharing – small acts of kindness. Each design, slightly different, was telling a story about a kindness that they had experienced, offered or wanted to see. Each small kindness was shown as impacting our community in a big way, and that was so exciting to see.
With each year, the designs have grown more detailed as students have found different ways to call for acts of kindness, and a stop to aggressive, mean or bullying behaviours. I have been so fortunate to see these stories play out over the years: students sticking up for each other, calling for accountability and creating a welcoming and warm environment for all.
Pink Shirt Day is but one day of the year to demonstrate a commitment to kindness. But I am encouraged by the daily interactions I see and hear, knowing that it is these small acts that really make us who we are.
“It takes courage to be kind.” - Maya Angelou
Christy Flynn
Director of Academics
In this week's newsletter:
Grade 5-8 Ski Trip
On Tuesday March 4th we are planning on taking the students to Hockey Valley Resort for a Hill Day ski trip. We will be leaving the school at 8:30am and coming back at 3:30pm. Regular academic classes and sport periods will not run that day. There will be supervision at the school for those that do not wish to attend the trip.
In preparation for the ski trip please fill out the attached Google Form. Ski and snowboard lesson and rental costs are included on the Google Form, we will follow up with further information tomorrow.
If you have any questions or concerns please email dglisic@thehillacademy.com
Save The Date! Junior Athletic Banquet and Senior Athletic Gala
Stay tuned for more details to follow, but we wanted to ensure everyone had the dates of the Grade 5-8 Junior School Athletic Banquet and the the Grade 9-12+PG Senior School Athletic Gala.
Junior School Athletic Banquet: Tuesday, June 10, 2025
Senior School Athletic Gala: Wednesday, June 11, 2025
The Hill Eats
Chef Michael has set up a suggestion box in the caf (by the plates). We encourage students to provide suggestions on meals they have enjoyed, meals they would like to see on the menu, or feel free to write Chef Michael and his staff a nice note of thanks.
Below is the menu for next week. Day students can still join the meal plan for just second semester if they would like. For more information and to sign up, please fill out this form.
Pink Shirt Day is Wednesday February 26
We look forward to all students celebrating Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday February 26. Pink Shirt Day celebrates inclusion and spreads kindness throughout the school. For more information on the origin of Pink Shirt Day and the work being done by CKNW Kids' Fund please visit www.pinkshirtday.ca.
Grade 8 Transition Meetings
In the coming weeks, Grade 8 students will be meeting with Guidance to discuss the transition from Grade 8 to 9. They will have a chance to ask questions about the Secondary Program, Pathway, Planning and more. Students are encouraged to come with questions!
Mental Health Champions in Elite Youth Sport – Project Overview
This year, athletes and parents at The Hill Academy are invited to participate in a research study on the role of Mental Health Champions in elite youth sport organizations. This is a pilot project in partnership with researchers at the University of Toronto. Young athletes often have stressful experiences in sport, and some athletes experience concerns related to their mental health. For this project, the researchers want to learn about how parents and elite youth athletes may benefit from having Mental Health Champions within a team/sport-related organization. Mental Health Champions are people who will be selected to receive training on mental health in sport, and they will provide information and resources this year for parents and athletes around the topic of mental health among elite youth athletes. For more information about the project, please see the information booklet.
Parents and athletes are invited to complete one survey now and another survey at the end of the year. Parents and athletes will also be invited to participate in focus group interviews at the end of the year to share their experiences during the project.
If you are interested in taking part in this research project, please see the following links for more information and to complete the first survey for the study:
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact the primary researcher, Dr. Katherine Tamminen (katherine.tamminen@utoronto.ca)
Community Involvement Hours
Students who plan to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma are required to collect at least 40 community involvement hours before graduation. Mrs. Flynn has posted a list outside of her office for 2025 graduates and the number of community involvement hours currently recorded. Please check the list.
There are many opportunities to collect these hours. Below you will find links to some of the events upcoming in certain communities, and students should connect with Mrs. Flynn about finding ways to complete the required hours:
Phys Ed This Week
Here is a review of what was covered off in Phys Ed this week.

Encouraging Student Independence
At Hill, the "I" in H.I.L.L. stands for Independent Thought, and we encourage our Student-Athletes to advocate for themselves. Whenever possible, please have your child reach out directly to their teacher or coach regarding any questions related to their classwork or sport. If an issue remains unresolved and requires further discussion, parents are welcome to contact staff by email during the week (8:00 am - 4:00 pm) to arrange a meeting.
Respecting Teacher/Coach Focus
Continuing with the theme of encouraging independence, we want to ensure that the expectations of teacher/coach communication remains in the best possible position moving forward. Please ensure that meetings/communication is guided toward the weekday (8:00 am - 4:00 pm) timeframe unless otherwise advised.
Additionally, during busy tournament and game weekends (or evenings), we kindly ask that parents avoid contacting coaches with questions related to the games (such as playing time, tactical decisions, etc.) or requesting meetings. Coaches are fully focused on supporting our athletes through games, reflecting, and planning for upcoming events during these times. Please know that coaches are always available to address health and safety concerns if they arise, as is our on-site athletic therapy team.
The Hill Partners with Atiba Hutchinson
We are excited to let you know that we have partnered with Canadian Soccer Legend Atiba Hutchinson in creating a March Break Soccer Camp (March 10-14). The camp will be specific to 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 born rep soccer athletes. For more information, read here.
March Break and Summer Camps
The Hill is excited announce the following upcoming camps:
March Break Soccer Camp - March 10-14
March Break Hockey Camp - March 11-13 (SOLD OUT)
Multi-Sport Summer Camp - June 30-July 4
Boys Lacrosse Camp - July 14-18
Girls Lacrosse Camp - July 21-25
Multi-Sport Summer Camp - July 28-Aug 1
Hill Student-Athletes can use the code "COACHCAM" for 15% off Summer Camps. Stay tuned for more Summer Camp announcements!

Sports schedules can be found in the image below for this week. Stay up to date by checking TeamSnap for your individual team's calendar.

(click on image to enlarge)
Daily Timetables
Daily timetables are available in the Hill Families > Parent Resources section of our website, alongside other helpful links for parents.
Cold Weather Policy
As the winter season is now upon us, we want to remind everyone of our cold weather policy to ensure the safety and well-being of our students while they are outdoors. Please review the guidelines below, which outline how we manage outdoor recess and activities during periods of extreme cold and wind chill:
Dress for the Weather
Students should wear warm, layered clothing, including hats and gloves, when outdoors. Proper attire is essential for staying comfortable and safe during colder temperatures.
Temperature Guidelines for Outdoor Recess
- When the wind chill or extreme cold is between **-20°C and -24°C**, outdoor recess will be limited to a maximum of 20 minutes (or less based on our professional discretion, if it is extremely windy)
- When the wind chill or extreme cold is **below -25°C**students will remain indoors for recess and other activities.
We kindly ask parents to ensure their children are dressed appropriately for the weather each day. Layers, insulated outerwear, and waterproof boots are strongly recommended during this season.
Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe and comfortable during the colder months.
Inclement Weather Procedure
Depending on the weather and the conditions, one of two decisions will be made:
1. School closure- remote learning
All buses cancelled; students are to perform their schoolwork remotely. This includes before and after care.
2. School Bus Cancellation
Either specific buses or all buses are canceled, and the school remains open for staff and students that can safely travel. Before and After care will still be operating.
We will do our best to communicate our decision by 6am, utilizing email and social media channels. Decisions will be made considering the safety of students and staff on both the way to and from campus.
Code of Conduct Forms
Code of Conduct Forms are past due if they have not been handed in! Please ensure your student-athletes has complete this.
Junior School received a paper copy from their homeroom teacher and can access a digital copy to print on their homeroom Google Classroom.
High School can assess a copy of their period 6 Google Classroom.
Labeling Items
With so many activities and practices happening daily, it's easy for items to get misplaced. To help keep track of uniforms, equipment, and personal items, we kindly ask that all student-athletes have their belongings clearly labeled with their name. This simple step ensures that lost items can be quickly returned and helps maintain organization throughout the day. Thank you for helping us keep our athletes focused and prepared!
Safety and Security
In preparing for your student-athlete for the school year, we want to remind everyone about the safety and security considerations of arriving and leaving the campus.
For all:
Please follow the posted speed limits
Please note and follow the one-way driveway and the stop signs
Please follow the directions of the staff who are supervising pick-up and drop-off times.
Parking lots are to be used for anyone waiting to pick up students. There is no parking in the fire routes, crosswalks or kiss and ride areas. If you arrive before the designated pick-up times, you will be directed to park in the lots.
Fire routes are allocated to help Fire and Emergency Services access buildings quickly in the event of an emergency. Blocking these routes, even to drop off or pick up students, can be dangerous for everyone.
Accessible parking spaces are for the exclusive use for individuals holding valid accessible parking permits. Please do not use or block any accessible spaces without a valid permit.
Absences and Late Arrivals
School success is closely tied to good attendance. When students miss learning time, they often struggle with understanding concepts, completing assignments, and performing well on assessments. Consistent attendance helps your child(ren) stay connected both academically and socially. We encourage you to commit to having your child(ren) attend school every day and arrive on time. Regular attendance builds positive habits that will last a lifetime. If your child is absent from school, please remember to email attendance@thehillacademy.com to report the absence.
If your student athlete is going to miss their Phys. Ed or sport period for any reason, please remember to email DGlisic@thehillacademy.com.
Late Arrivals
If your child arrives late to school, please park in the designated parking areas and walk them into the main office to receive a late slip. The students will need to provide their educator with the slip upon arrival to class.
